Sunday, February 25, 2018

DAY 7 (Part 1) - Sarvar, Hungary to Bratislava, Slovakia

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera..

Tunggu daddy settle payment dgn owner 

Today's journey akan ke Prague tapi nak singgah Bratislava kejap. Dah dekat so kami masuk lah Slovakia sikit..

Source : Google Map
Beginilah keseluruhan perjalanan kami hingga ketika ini..

Dah plan nak goreng nasi for breakfast so sebelum tidur, masak nasi siap2..

Jumpa udang frozen di LiDL supermarket..

Pisang ada banyak so buat Banana Pancake utk bekal makan dalam kereta..

View dari kitchen..

Bye bye B&K Apartment..

Singgah castle.


Sár means "mud" in Hungarian, and vár means "castle". The latter is a common ending for settlement names.

Through the Nádasdy family, the castle of Sárvár, now called Nádasdy Castle, played a significant role in the progress of Hungarian culture in the 16th and 17th centuries. The first Hungarian book, The New Testament of 1541, was printed here. The knight's hall of the castle is decorated with the battle scenes of Lord Chief Justice Ferenc Nádasdy (married to the notorious Elizabeth Báthory) and with scenes from the Old Testament.

The Nádasdy Castle and estate later became a property of the kings of Bavaria, and the former King Ludwig III died there in 1921, three years after being deposed.Du ring the Second World War, the castle was used as the retreat of Ludwig's grandson Prince Albert of Bavaria.
(Source : Wikipedia) 

Why Sarvar, Hungary.. Sebab ianya on the way to Prague. Nak ke Budapest tapi jauh dari route kami.. Next holiday Insya Allah, buat route lain pulak.. Insya Allah.. 

Some info tentang Sarvar..


The carpark.. Habis semua angle nak snap..

Opposite castle, different angle lah kita..

Foggy sangatlah lagi pagi2 ni..

Eastern Europe kalau tengok attractionnya memang banyak castle kan.. 

Bye bye..

Sunyi sepi jalannya..

The small town.. Tapi happening jugak cuma kami tak habis explore..

Hujan renyai sebelumnya.. Sejuk..

To the highway..

Cantik view pagi..

Suka tengok tempat orang.. Lain dari tempat kita kan..

Moga ketemu lagi..

Vignette di Hungary..


Most SNP, commonly referred to as Most Slovenského národného povstania or the UFO Bridge, and named Nový most from 1993 to 2012, is a road bridge over the Danube in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. (Wikipedia)

Memang macam Alien kan..

Panjang jugak bridge nya..

The St Martin's Cathedral is a church in Bratislava, Slovakia, and the cathedral of  the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bratislava. It is situated at the western border of the historical city center below Bratislava Castle.

To Slavin, tinggi kedudukannya.. 

A memorial monument and military cemetery in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. It is the burial ground of thousands of Soviet Army soldiers who fell during World War II while liberating the city in April 1945 from the occupying German Wehrmacht units and the remaining Slovak troops who supported the... (Wikipedia)

Cantik sangat sebab kedudukannya lebih tinggi, boleh nampak bandar Bratislava dari atas nya.. 

Bye bye Slavin.. Jalan menuju ke bandar. Menurun lah pulak ya. Scary jugak jalan kecik sangat. Very close dengan pagar rumah orang..  


  1. Perghhh... Bersusun timun... He He He...

    Lawa jugak bandar ni...

  2. Slovenia, Slovakia...huhu..kena pi tengok peta dunia...
    menarik castle2 lama..jambatan tu pun unik design nya..

  3. Hajat hati hari tu memang teringin sangat nak ke bratislava. Accommodation pon murah kalau compare di vienna. tp itulah.. dah susun punya susun tetap x sempat...lalu dari jauh ja dari budapest ke vienna dan ke prague. cuti ada 10 hari ja.. memang x sempat nak masukkan...huhuhu....

  4. Scdha: Hehe nak kena peringat sendiri meal yg balance kononnya.. Yes yes cantik jgk bandar ni..

    Nohas: Mmg Europe timur ni banyak betul castle tak tersempat nak tengok semua..

    Farikica: Sama jgk kami ada tempat yg nak visit tapi tak dapat sbb masa tak cukup, also sbb jauh dari route nak drive.. Insya Allah next time kan, utk Fari jgk

  5. I've been planning for Europe road trip with my sister next year (supposedly this year but we pushed the date back because unexpected trip coming soon) and Slovakia is in our list. This place look so beautiful. Suka tengok jalanraya yg lengang macam tu.

    Anyway, just want to let you know that I'm new here and I am already in love with your blog. Baca sampai leka rasa nak komen in each post but I don't want to be annoying. Can't wait for the next post, sincerely your new follower :)

  6. Mulan...terima kasih sudi jengah blog sis JM..bila tgk blog ni..wah!!! semua tempat Mulan pergi lom jejak lagi..lawa jgk view kat sini..bila baca "Sarvar, Hungary to Bratislava, Slovakia"..ehh kat mana tempat ni..terus refer world map :-)

  7. Tqa Lodon: Thanks for dropping. Komen je as much as u want, I balas Insya Allah.. Europe road trip, awesome..!!

    Jari Manis: Thanks JM sudi singgah blog ni jgk. Suka baca trip JM jgk. Ni first time kami ke Eropah Timur, bila buat homework nak pi baru la tau nama negara2 ni.

  8. cantiknya view wpn berbalam2... jujur ckp sy suka eropah timur ni...sbb bagi sy dia krg exposed dan itulah yg membuatkan ramai tercari2... btw, kalau nk g poland ajak laa sy sy mmg teringinnnnnnnn nk g negara jerzy dudek n chopin tu ;-)

  9. Anies: Betul mcm anies cakap mmg cantik kan Eropah Timur ni.. Hehe bila lah Poland tu Insya Allah.. Done follow jgk.


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