Sunday, February 11, 2018

DAY 5 (Part 2) : Lake Bled, Slovenia

Lake Bled & Slovenia.. Featured dlm Drama Korea "BLACK KNIGHT".. Subhanallah memang cantik..

ASSALAMUALAIKUM & SALAM SEJAHTERA.. Happy & healthy always semua.!!

Subhanallah cantik sangat..

Kalau tau dari awal shooting drama ni di Slovenia, mau kami duduk 2-3 hari so that dapat explore lebih.. Tapi time pun limited. Both hero & heroin memang kesukaan dari dulu..

Source : Google Map

Dari Venice kami ke Lake Bled, Slovenia. Jarak dlm 290km. Memang dah dengar ramai yg cerita cantik tempat ni.. Tapi kami book homestay di Ljublana.. Sbb tau sejuk di Lake Bled. Mahal pon ya..

Sunyi sepi. Betul jugak kata suami, siapa nak lepak kat luar time sejuk beku below 0'C tu..

Lajunya dua beradik menuju lake.. Memang excited sangat2..  

The lake surrounds Bled Island (Blejski otok). The island has several buildings, the main one being the pilgrimage church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary (Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja), built in its current form near the end of the 17th century, and decorated with remains of Gothic frescos from around 1470 in the presbyterium and rich Baroque equipment. The church has a 52 m (171 ft) tower and there is a Baroque stairway dating from 1655 with 99 stone steps leading up to the building. The church is frequently visited and weddings are held there regularly. Traditionally it is considered good luck for the groom to carry his bride up the steps on the day of their wedding before ringing the bell and making a wish inside the church. (Source: Wikipedia)

BLED CASTLE yg cantik tu tak dapat visit lagi sbb hari dah petang

Some buildings di tepi Lake Bled..


All so excited..


Thats Bled Island..

Tak puas nak snap photo. Semua angle cantik cantik sangat..

Bled Island dari angle lain, dari dalam kereta..

Rasa tak mau balik  

Alhamdulillah ada tempat letak tripod

Semua angle pon cantik.. Tak puas tengok..

Explore area lain nearby

Awesome sangat


Kalau tak sejuk sangat, mau berjam2 spend di sini..


Nampak Bled Island dari atas ni..

Alhamdulillah kami di-izinkan ke sini..

Thats the church seperti dalam Wikipedia

All covered with snow.. Dikatakan memang agak heavy sebelum kami tiba..

Best kan rumah ni sbb dapat view Bled Island..

Time to go.. Bye bye Lake Bled.. Hello Ljubljana.

Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya utk kami.. Subhanallah cantik sangat bumi Ilahi..


  1. Hahahaha sy la tu ada impian duduk siniiii :D kalau ada rezeki nak repeat jalan Slovenia, tapi harapnya next time ni ada kawan. hari tu jalan solo :D hahaha

  2. Nohas: Subhanallah mmg cantik sgt tu pun belum dapat explore satu negara

    Nina: Kami pun rasa nak repeat Insya Allah sbb tak puas

  3. Memang sangat cantik mulan... x puas nengok... every angle pon lawa...

  4. Farikica: Sesungguhnya mmg cantik.. 2000+ pics dlm hp, tak sedar pakat snap je..


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