Sambungan perjalanan Day 2, 6 Nov 2016. Dari market kami ke attraction yg lain..
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera..

The City of Arts and Sciences is an entertainment-based cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia and one of the 12 Treasures of Spain. (Wikipedia)
The City of Arts and Sciences is an ensemble of six areas in the dry river bed of the now diverted River Turia in Valencia, Spain. Designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava and started in July 1996, it is an impressive example of modern architecture. The "city" is made up of the following, usually known by their Valencian names:
1. El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía — Opera house and performing arts centre
2. L'Hemisfèric — Imax Cinema, Planetarium and Laserium
3. L'Umbracle — Walkway / Garden
4. El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe — Science museum
5. Oceanografic — Open-air aquarium or oceanographic park
6. Ágora — A versatile space that will allow the holding of varied events.
Surrounded by attractive streams and pools of water, it and the surrounding areas of the "city" are typically used as a relaxing place to walk day or night, with an open air bar outside El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe during the evening. (Valencia City Guide)
A spectacular building dedicated to promoting the performing arts. Measuring over 70 metres in height, the Palau de les Arts is divided into four separate halls, all boasting the latest technological advances conceived to stage all kinds of opera, musical and theatrical performances.
(Valencia City Guide)
Besar betul City of Arts & Sciences ni.. Kami explore yang bahangian tengah je sbb tak boleh lama. Tapi dalam satu jam jugak menikmati senibina yg awesome dgn cuaca yg sangat cantik Subhanallah..
Hemisferic is an splendid Laserium, Planetarium and IMAX cinema (over a 900 square meters of screen). It belongs to the City of Arts and Sciences complex. The building was designed by Santiago Calatrava. It has the shape of an eye, and is reflected 24.000 square meters lake.
(Valencia City Guide)

The building was designed by Santiago Calatrava and reminds a whale skeleton. It is orientated to learning the sciences through experience, so everything is graphically displayed, with huge texts and pics, experiments, buttons to touch and experience... perfect to go with kids of 7-12 years!
Alhamdulillah cuaca sangat cantik..
Ronda betul dua beradik ni snap photos
Alhamdulillah tak ramai sangat pengunjung lain..
Subhanallah cantik semua nya..
One for the album..
Macam mana biru dlm gambar, macam tu lah realitinya depan mata kami..
Ok bye bye City of Arts & Sciences..
Thank you for having us.. Ya Allah, kurniakan lah kami ilham ketika buntu serta ilham yg baik utk dimanfaatkan bersama.. Aamiin...
Teruskan perjalanan ke Murcia. Tak boleh stop dah sbb takut hari semakin gelap. Lagipun try utk Jamak Ta'khir di apartment.
Alhamdulillah sampai sebelum malam..
Parking free tapi jauh sungguh parking lot nya dgn apartment.. Tak ada mention dalam detail apartment, baru perasan its a new one listed dalam so tak ada review lagi. Its ok sbb semua pun cantik sepanjang jalan
20 minit berjalan.. Tak panas ok lah, bawak beg yg perlu je..
Lawa bangunan ni..
Sinaran mentari yg hampir pergi..
Bersih cantik kemas.. Cukup lah setakat utk tidur.. RM200 lebih.. 1 Bedroom Apartment..
Sofa bed..
Fully equipped kitchen
Bekalan makanan..
Menu dinner tak sempat snap.. Tepung Cucur Adabi Bilis kita jadikan Lempeng dimakan dgn Kari Daging Brahim..
Total perjalanan & pemanduan untuk hari ke 2.. Dalam 560km.. Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya...
sesuai sgt nama dgn senibinanya...
ReplyDeletesepanjang jln ni ada jumpa accident x?
Anies: Tiap binaan lain operasinya.. Accident rasa mcm tak ada cuma maybe ada kereta yg rosak kot..