Tuesday, January 21, 2020


17 Dec 2019, Day 5 di Greece, kami di Athens..

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera..

 Musim Winter matahari lambat keluarnya.. Pukul 8 baru agak terang. Siap breakfast kami terus keluar nak explore hari ke 2 di Athens..

Geram je tengok semua carpet & rugs ni..

The Changing of the Guards in Athens Greece: Every Sunday morning at 11 am, people gather in Syntagma Square to watch the official changing of the guards, the military unit whose members stand proudly in perfect stillness in front of the Hellenic Parliament. There are of course changing every hour in the day, but on Sundays, it is the official ceremony with the official customs. 
(Source : greeka.com)

The National Garden is a public park of 15.5 hectares in the center of the Greek capital, Athens. It is located between the districts of Kolonaki and Pangrati, directly behind the Greek Parliament building and continues to the South to the area where the Zappeion is located, across from the Panathenaiko or Kalimarmaro Olympic Stadium of the 1896 Olympic Games. The Garden also encloses some ancient ruins, tambourines and Corinthian capitals of columns, mosaics, and other features. (Wikipedia)

The Zappeion; is a building in the National Gardens of Athens in the heart of Athens, Greece. It is generally used for meetings and ceremonies, both official and private. Wikipedia

Stadium Panathenaic atau Kallimarmaro adalah stadium pelbagai guna di Athens, Greece. Salah satu tarikan bersejarah utama Athens, ia adalah satu-satunya stadium di dunia yang dibina sepenuhnya marmar. Sebuah stadium telah dibina di tapak perlumbaan pacuan kuda oleh negarawan Athkara Lykourgos c. 330 SM, terutamanya untuk Sukan Panathenaic. Ia dibina semula dalam marmar oleh Herodes Atticus, senator Roman Athena, sebanyak 144 AD dan mempunyai kapasiti 50,000 tempat duduk. Wikipedia.

Sebelum masuk kami diberi audio utk explore stadium.. Nak masuk kena beli tiket..

Stadium yang dibina dari batu marmar/marble..

Audio yang membawa kami menyusuri tunnel ini menuju ke bahagian yg mempamirkan Obor2 (Torches) yang pernah digunakan pada hampir kesemua Olympic Games.. 

Para pelajar dibenarkan menggunakan perkarangan tengah stadium utk bersukan..

Last but not least.. Dari stadium kami berjalan balik ke Plaka..

Syok duduk area Plaka ni..

Suka tengok pokok2 berjuntai2..

Balik utk solat, lunch & rest..

4pm kami keluar semula utk tengok sunset.

Acropolis of Athens..

Mount Lycabettus, also known as Lycabettos, Lykabettos or Lykavittos, is a Cretaceous limestone hill in Athens, Greece at 300 meters above sea level. Pine trees cover its base, and at its two peaks are the 19th century Chapel of St. George, a theatre, and a restaurant. Wikipedia

Dah mula ramai menanti sunset..

Subhanallah cantik..

Acropolis of Athens pada waktu malam.. Ronda2 seketika sebelum kami check out esok pagi..

Kami tak pernah jumpa owner/host agent utk apartment ni pun.. Kunci hanya ditinggalkan dalam Outdoor Wall Mounted Key Safe Box ni.. Tapi kami diberi password lebih awal melalui email.. 

Setelah keluar dari apartment, kami tinggalkan kunci dalam Key Safe Box ni saja.. Senang kan.. Kami pernah book homestay di JB, owner guna safebox biasa yg agak besar tu & kami diberi password juga. Cuma besar sangat dari yang ni.. Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya.. Athens memang awesome..


  1. Wak Lat: Terima kasih singgah sini ya..

  2. menarik kwsn Plaka..suks2..

  3. First of all I'm really sorry. I thought I've followed your blog.
    Okay dah follow now.


  4. oooo ok Athens tau jugak.. oh my look at the buildings..!! kite suka binaan2 classic mcm tu. rasa mcam zaman greek dedulu cntik2 haaa..

  5. Nohas: Mmg lawa Plaka ni & antara attraction di Athens

    Ray: Its ok & thanks follow ya

    Siti: Kan, rasa mcm zaman dulu dalam tv je selalu tengok


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