Monday, January 15, 2018

DAY 3 (Part 1) : Rome to Pisa

11 Dec 2017 (Day 3) percutian kami.. Bangun pagi2 masak nasi.. Nak check out utk ke Florence pulak.. Tapi akan stop kat Pisa dulu..

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.. Moga sihat & ceria semua.

Bye bye Rome.. Thanks for having us..

Source : Google Map

Rome to Pisa dalam 355km.. 

Nasi & Kari Ayam dalam tin for breakfast.. Telur dadar dalam kuali lagi.. Periuk nasi kecik mmg bawak siap2 macam sebelumnya.. Cukup2 utk kami berempat.. And sempat buat crepes with Nutella.. Kasi lipat 1/4 aje lah.. Tak habis kita tapau bawak dalam kereta.. Semalam singgah grocery shop beli zucchini, pisang, jus & telur.. Sebelum ni kami pi holiday time Summer. Sambil breakfast simple2 mcm roti dll, kami masak nasi & prepare lunch utk pack nanti makan on the way bila tiba waktu lunch. But time Winter ni, sejuk nak picnic kat luar.

Macam kat negara Eropah lain, banyak tunnel di highway nya..

Though cuaca mendung, tapi tetap awesome..

Binaan2 lama di sana.. Macam Istana 

Another one

Actually kami nak bermalam di Florence.. Tapi sebab dekat dgn Pisa, so kami lencong ke Pisa kejap, atas request anak2 jugak 

Coffee break

Masuk sat dalam CHEF EXPRESS ni.. Intai2 biscuits yg yumeehh..

Lawa designnya

Lets isi minyak.. Harga mahal sikit tapi consumption agak lama, kami perasan

Sini kan, isi minyak dulu baru bayar. 

Ok next to Pisa..

Mendung but still awesome..

Sampai sudah..


Mencari parking..

Kena jalan sikit nak masuk ke SQUARE OF MIRACLES tu..

Souvenier shops dalam perkarangan SQUARE OF MIRACLES (Pisa) ni..

(English: Square of Miracles), formally known as Piazza del Duomo (English: Cathedral Square), is a walled 8.87-hectare area located in Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, recognized as an important center of European medieval art and one of the finest architectural complexes in the world. Considered sacred by the Catholic Church, its owner, the square is dominated by four great religious edifices: the Pisa Cathedral, the Pisa Baptistry, the Campanile, and the Camposanto Monumentale (Monumental Cemetery). Partly paved and partly grassed, the Piazza dei Miracoli is also the site of the Ospedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito (New Hospital of the Holy Spirit), which houses the Sinopias Museum (Italian: Museo delle Sinopie) and the Cathedral Museum (Italian: Museo dell'Opera del Duomo).

The name Piazza dei Miracoli was coined by the Italian writer and poet Gabriele d'Annunzio who, in his novel Forse che sì forse che no (1910), described the square as the "prato dei Miracoli," or "meadow of miracles". The square is sometimes called the Campo dei Miracoli (Field of Miracles). In 1987, the whole square was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (wIKIPEDIA)

(Italian: Torre pendente di Pisa) or simply the Tower of Pisa (Torre di Pisa [ˈtorre di ˈpiːza]) is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa, known worldwide for its unintended tilt. The tower is situated behind the Pisa Cathedral and is the third oldest structure in the city's Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo), after the cathedral and the Pisa Baptistry.

The tower's tilt began during construction in the 12th century, caused by an inadequate foundation on ground too soft on one side to properly support the structure's weight. The tilt increased in the decades before the structure was completed in the 14th century. It gradually increased until the structure was stabilized (and the tilt partially corrected) by efforts in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

The height of the tower is 55.86 metres (183.27 feet) from the ground on the low side and 56.67 metres (185.93 feet) on the high side. The width of the walls at the base is 2.44 m (8 ft 0.06 in). Its weight is estimated at 14,500 metric tons (16,000 short tons). The tower has 296 or 294 steps; the seventh floor has two fewer steps on the north-facing staircase. Prior to restoration work performed between 1990 and 2001, the tower leaned at an angle of 5.5 degrees, but the tower now leans at about 3.99 degrees. This means the top of the tower is displaced horizontally 3.9 metres (12 ft 10 in) from the centre. (Wikipedia)

Alhamdulillah ada yg sudi snap kan

Masih ada sebahagainnya yg dalam pembaikan.. Isnin pun ramai visitiors..

Cantik senibinanya.. Akal ilham semua dari Allah..

End of Pisa trip.. 

Heading to Florence..

To be continued.. Thanks for dropping by.. Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya...


  1. Kalau dapat kereta sewa yg guna diesel, banyak jugak boleh jimat. :D cumanya kereta diesel ni biasanya besar2 - lebih sesuai utk group besar kann.

  2. Hanis: Jeep ni model yg paling kecik kot.. Book sedan Skoda Auto paling murah, tapi dapat Jeep, Alhamdulillah cuma rasa Skoda spacious lagi utk isi bag kot...

  3. Mulan.. nk tnya, from rome to pisa ada tol dak?

    1. Jalan yg kami amik tu hiway so ada tol tp ada jln lain yg xde tol rasanya. Guna nak tgk ada tol or tak. Blh choose route jgk

    2. Ok tq... brp tol ya, if u masih ingt. Mhl dak?

  4. Farikica: tak ingat tp dlm EU20-24 kot. Maybe link bawah ni blh jadikan ref kot..;jsessionid=38A29BD0546399714F8E4C9C0F3BC9ED.bau166?tipo=P&dtxpDa=24942&dtxpA=160&dtxpPer=&dtxpEsc=&dscDa=24942&dscA=160&dscPer=&dscEsc=&soloAuto=on&equivalenzaClassi=A


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