Tuesday, December 17, 2019



24 Dec 2014, hari ke 12 kami di South Africa.

Awesome semuanya

Last day jugak memasak breakfast.. Memang breakfast selalu kat lodge/hostel etc lah.. Makan sambil2 siap.. Ni dia COMBO OVEN & STOVE TOP...

Nasi Goreng pagi ni.. Sebab semalam nasi banyak lebih.. Panaskan GARLIC BUTTER SPREAD.. Senang sbb nak buat Garlic Bread pon senang.. Then masukkan Carrot (tunggu empuk), nasi, serunding, telor, kicap, cili sos dll ikut suka cita rasa sendiri

Semua masih bertahan dengan Instant Puding Roti + Pisang.. 3 roti dilenyek dalam 1/2 cawan susu.. Masukkan 1 telur & 2-3 pisang yang dilenyek.. Masuk dalam mangkuk/cawan & microwave je.. Kalau permukaan tu dah tak melekat & agak keras maka dah masak lah.. 

Lepas breakfast kami ronda2 attractions di Cape Town..

The Bo-Kaap (“above the Cape" in Afrikaans) is an area of Cape Town, South Africa formerly known as the Malay Quarter. It is a former township, situated on the slopes of Signal Hill above the city centre and is a historical centre of Cape Malay culture in Cape Town. The Nurul Islam Mosque, established in 1844, is located in the area.

Bo-Kaap is known for its brightly coloured homes and cobble stoned streets. The area is traditionally a multicultural neighbourhood, and most of its population is Muslim. According to the South African Heritage Resources Agency, the area contains the largest concentration of pre-1850 architecture in South Africa, and is the oldest surviving residential neighborhood in Cape Town.

Jumpa Halal Bobotie di supermarket..

Back to the guesthouse.. Ni view dari balcony kami.. Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya..


  1. Fuhh...12 hari pun tak cukup.. sbb banyak sangat tempat menarik...

  2. bestnye mulan jalan2 south africa….cantik betul mukabumi kat sana ye.

  3. akakkkkkkkkkkkkk

    saye suke...Subhanallah..cantik2 nye view kat Cape Town ni...especially NOORDHOEK tu...rasa macam nak print then tampal kt wall umah I aje kak..serius cantekkk

  4. sis! baru perasan jalan kat cape town sama macam malaysia eh? i mean, left hand drive??

  5. subhanallah tabarakallah kak, mmg memukau mate kite tgk gambo2 ni birunya ohsem sungguh ciptaan Allah kan..dapo 2 in 1 tu best lah :)

  6. Yesza... I've been here. :)

    Sket baik dah balik, menanahhhh mata dan hati achik tengok tau! Huwaaa entah merasa lagi nak ke sana ke dak :((

  7. ohhhhhhhh.. another wish list punya tempat kena visit!!

  8. uu jauhnya pusing..tak terikut nekcik ni mulan

  9. Nice to See in Captown. Beautiful :)

  10. Mie: mmg x cukup :(

    Rostina: Alhamdulillah smooth semuanya..

    Greenjade: Subhanallah mmg cantik..

    Hanis: haa aahh sama so senang kan..

    Mummyseri: mmg cantik..

    Mamafami: joomm kita pi sama..

    @xim: yes yes..

    Nekcik: Alhamdulillah smooth semua nya..

    swapnil: yes beautiful country..

  11. OOOOhooi CAPE TOWN..bila nak ada rezeki terjah area sana pulak..asyik main kat area ASIA je hiihih..nasi goreng!!! dpt breakfast nasi goreng baru kuat nak jenjalan

  12. JM: Insya Allah nanti JM sampai sana..


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