Thursday, April 01, 2010


Marsha dah start excited since Februari. Birthday hujung bulan Mac.

She wanted a "Little Pet Shop" cake. Buat je la Choc Cake biasa. Order edible image di Kedai Baking Supplies di Kemaman. Kek tak lawa sangat masa keluar dari loyang tapi ok lah lepas di-deco.

Happpy Birthday my munchkin..

Tanya cikgu if boleh buat something besides potong kek.. Alhamdulillah cikgu izinkan anak2 deco cupcakes.

Seronok tu yang penting..

More muffins & their deco..


Marsha & friends. Glad all had fun.

Inspired by Kak Ummi & Maklang, beli kain di Nilai & jahit sendiri. 

And last but not least, goody bags for the children. Saja2 bagi seronok.


  1. Hey! one for me! one for me! :D

  2. Mulan..mesti bebudak tu enjoy masa diorang kat party tu...dpt cupcakes & bags also...

  3. eyyy,santeknya beg iteewww,I skerrr!!! Mulan,nnti kalau dh upgrade skill,bole bagi 1 kt NJ? Thanks Mulan ;D

  4. happy besday to cute Marsha...:)

  5. Your kids are lucky to have a very creative mom..
    A good idea though to have a decorating cake session for the kids. This will create more fun and enjoyable birthday party..
    congratz to you Mulan..
    and Happy Birthday my dear Marsha..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. what a party! I bet they had so much fun!

  8. salam kak..
    wah sgt meriah ek ..hepi birthday to masya..smoga jadi anak yg solehah..
    Cantek je kek pink tu..suke tgk akaknyer deco fondant..ok lahhh..lama2 msti akak terror..

  9. Seronok tu...patut ler sibuk bebenor, menjahit sakan rupanya...he..he..

    projek besar betul kali ni ye..lepas ni boleh bukak kedai beg pulak laa..boleh ilangkan keboringan tahap dewa tu...kalau akak sub ke muni, jahit pouches untuk hari guru boleh ke??

    btw, kain yang satu tu gambar cars ke? cantek laa...ada spare tak? Muni beli kat mana?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. rajinnya kamu.... great job tho! after all this still bored ah??

  12. hepi besday marsha tuh,

    tak lama lagik mak leh timang cucu, kehh


  13. Happy belated birthday to Marsha... Ala naper tak ajak mama sekali... I'd love to join..pasal nanti, leh dapat party bag tu... nak beg tuu.... cantik! Kek mummy Marsha buat pun cantik meriah banget walaupun main tepek tepek je...

  14. asw: come here.. come here..
    kak anie: sesaja ngabis kan masa.. ok gak depa enjoy..
    nj: adoi.. qc dasat sangat.. segan nak tunjuk..
    dr singa: tahnx doc..
    kak ty: takde la havoc sangat... saja2 main2 dgn kids.. yg best sbb depa tak de komplen.. hahahaaa..
    peachkins: glad they did... heee..
    mummyseri: nak masuk deco class selalu takde peluang, so belajar kat youtube je.. heheee.. buat utk anak ok la.. utk orang takde laa.. tapi ikut mood jugak la.. ada hari malas sangat2..
    kak lina: kain kete tu beli dgn kak ummi, tengok dlm blog dia.. nak sub pouches..?? ohhooo salah orang ni.. kang pengsan tengok jahitan tu, huru hara bengkang bengkok tau.. heheee..
    tunbegia: tq tq.. mau 15 tahun lagi kot nak timang cucu... huwa hahahaa.. abang nya baru 10 thn.. dah tua baru dapat anak.. alhamdulillah..

  15. mamafami: tq tq mama.. kot dekat, marsha boleh anta satu goody bag.. hehee... kek tu tak close up, takut orang pengsan tengok.. hahaa tampal sana sini.. saya lah pakar tepek menepek.. hehehee..

  16. comey nyer cake. Color sungguh girlyyyyyy....can't wait for my girl punya own bday!. Rajinnyer kak siap buat beg lagi. The bag look nice. Dalam punya cerita belakang kira la.

  17. cik kiah: dia yg nak camtu.. buat je la.. heheh.. bag tu ala2 gift utk classmates je.. ter-rajin sikit je..

  18. bertuah anak u dapat mama kreatif macam u.. idea deco cake is so interesting & fun for kids' birthday event. mcm mana u minta permission dengan cikgu?


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