Thursday, May 10, 2007


Alhamdulillah anak soleh 7yo.

"To the son-shine of our lives...
Who make our everyday a special day,
with his warm smile...
Wishing you all the happiness life can bring.."

Birthday gift (the Spidey bottle holder) from Aunty Elle, Zharif likes it so much. Mummy & Marsha pun dapat sama yeyyy. Thank You Kak Elle.

Swimming gala di sekolah.

Tunggu giliran.

Briefing from Mr. Jones.

Yeyyy. You did it. 

8 May - Malaysia Cultural Lunch. 50 tetamu Alhamdulillah.

Foods yang frozen tu dah prepare in advance dah, since last week. Chocolate cake yang depan tu, a friend gave it to my children (mahal tau, Alhamdulillah rezeki), so my 2 cakes yang simple but colorful tu dah pindah belakang haha.

Main dish corner. Ada Spaghetti Bolognese, Karipap, Popia, Risoles, Keria.

Aunty Janet tolong dari pagi, tak la penat. Makcik Phatima pun memang ada.

Parents corner. Alhamdulillah ada Uncle Abu & Uncle Fauzi datang, ganti daddy yang masih di plant, di Baria.

Hujan, maka semua dalam rumah je. Tak dapat main kat luar.

Alhamdulillah. Banyak nya hadiah. 


  1. wah seronoknya party tu! did you actually had all 85 kids at your place? I once had 62 kids at mikey's party but I had it at pizza hut, apartmetn too small to handle the crowd. You set your table very nice la mulan...happy birthday to zharif and again to marsya!

  2. Happy birthday to Zharif and Marsha..semoga berjaya di dunia dan akhirat..

    Besh tengok birthday party tu..ramai yang datang yer..Wow!hadiah pun byk..mesti budak2 tu suker..aunty pun suka la Zharif..nak satu leh..hehe

    Mulan..berbaloi walaupun penatkan..tahniah untuk Mulan..berjaya menyiapkan pelbagai hidangan..

  3. bestnya sambut birthday party ni...kami sambut sefamily aje...malasnya nak memasak dah tua2 ni...

  4. Eh..lupa nak wish Zharif happy birthday...and Marsha too...Happy birthday to both of you..Jadi anak yang baik ye...

  5. mulan i tunggu invitation ke party takde pun ....hehe

    meriah nya gathering dan banyak makanan lagi.....ala malu nya u letak barang tu from me...ciput aje ler time will give more rempah ratus so can have more gathering.

    happy birthday to both kiddos.

  6. kat sini pun sambut birthday...

  7. Happy birthday to Zharif and Marsha. Look like they had fun! Sedapnya all the food....glorious food!

    Rajin nya you mengentertain 85 kids.. and parents included....

    Patut le pengsan lepas tu!!

    Bravo..bravo...Well done.. Zharif and Marsha..say thank you to Mommy for a lovely party.

  8. mamarock: tq, tq mama... kids yang datang 82 rasanya.. 3-6pm, takde la semua serbu at one time.. boleh la handle lagi tu. rumah macam tongkang pecah..

    faizah: timakasih... baloi sbb dapat jumpa kenkawan yg payah nak jumpa.. budak2 biasa la seronok..

    maklang: timakasih aunty.. depa ni tak pernah sempat sambut kat msia lagi.. mesti lagi seronok dgn tok nenek depa.. tu sbb ajak kenkawan sini, kalu tak sure boring.. birthday gift maklang nanti ya..

    kak elle: opss.. sori lupa jemput. aiyo kak elle, busy betul dari last week, tapi dont worry, kita buat another party in spore ok.. thanx for yr thots.. thanx a lot..

    zino: ya ke..? happy besday..

    k.d: tq tq.. he he.. saya prepare yg frozen awal2 lagi last week. yg lain tu semua yg biasa buat, takde authentic pun. kueh saya semua dalam talam/loyang.. paaapp semua dalam loyang, bake or steam, habis cite.. no keje metek2 one.. kena cari tukang potong kueh je.. but 2 frens tolong & my helper too.. without them, tak jadi punya.. alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar..

  9. wah merşahnyaaa birthday zharif...!

    mesti dia happy yek?

    u memang ibu yg baik...sampai terpengsan lagi hahahha

    take care n jangan lupa bangun utk sambut hariibu ahad nii..jgn masak..suruh la hubby bawak makan luar heheheh

  10. Aisehh Mulan .. bestnyeee tengok makanan dan hadiah Zharif and Marsha tu. I bet they must be happy sangat2 ek.

    Salam untuk Zharif and Marsha dari Auntie Iza :)

  11. Wow, meriah giler... kesian Mulan sampai pengsan.... letih ek? Tapi untuk anak memang berbaloi kan? Unconditional love.

  12. mulan thank you for that special nurses day are so sweet:)thank you....thank you

  13. mulan

    selamat hari ibu to you :)

  14. simah: i buat mana yg terdaya je.. sementara depa kecik2 ni. banyak pulak invitation sunday ni .. habis plan nak ketuk ayah depa nak makan kat hotel..!!!

    iza: salam utk aunty iza too.. memang happy depa tu.. alaa sekali setahun, dah besar nanti takde dah nanti..

    ahni: betol tu.. untuk anak2 tersayang la tu, pastu sekali harung mak2 nak ber-potpet2.. jarang2 dapat jumpa tu..

    kak elle: once a year je tu kak elle... u deserve it..

    misha: happy mother's day 2 u 2..!! dapat gift apa tahun ni?

  15. Happy Belated Birthday Zahrif..and Happy Mutter Tag to you Mulan...


  16. wow banyak nyer makanan..

    pagi pagi udah buat pB lapor...

    happy belated besday.
    jadi anak yang soleh

  17. waaaa mega party planner ini. hebat sungguh

  18. wow, seronoknya dpt hadiah!
    U've certainly had a busy week! mana tak tidor mcm kayu!
    anyway, when it's for the kids, this tiredness is worth it.

  19. Happy Belated Birthday buat Zharif dan Marsha. Nampak meriah party tu...

    yus pun baru minggu lepas masak bombay briyani mix Shan tu. Memang sedap. Kat sini satu pek tu regenya 69p, alhamdulillah senang nak dapat.

  20. azie: timakasih... happy mutter tag to u too..

    pb: kalu kat msia tu, senang cito, sume pakat beli/order je makanan tu.. sini tarak la. terpaksa masak sendiri.. sekali tahun je la tu..

    lollies: hisshhh, takde la mega party. gathering for potpet2 & makan2 je. takde agenda lain pun, tak pandai la i, kot u ada sini i'll definitely panggil u jadi organizer.. sure lagi meriah..

    intan: utk kids je, sementara depa masih kecik ni. also gathering for all..adults & children..

    yus: thanx aunty yus. belum try masak lagi sbb every weekend ada org jemput makan.. bila nak try ni?? tak sabar jgk. malam hubby tak nak nasi..

  21. Happy bday zharif and marsha!!

    wow...82 kids?? i buat untuk 1st bday rayyan 20 plus budak pun pengsan 2 hari. This year...not gonna do it. ada budak kecik lagi satu tak larat den!

  22. Happy Belated Birthday pada zarif & Happy Belated Mothers day pada Mulan...semuanya terlambat sebabnya internet akak problem...lawat 2-3 blog aje dah jam...geram betul....

  23. Happy birthday !!

    Bestnya , macam-macam events ... happenings betul !!

  24. hahaha, i nak organise event utk 10 kids pun dah kelam kabut. inikan pula 80+!!! fuishhh... you deserved that 'pengsan' after the party. hehe :)

  25. zakiah: tima kasih.. i tak buat la sekali harong. i jemput 3-6pm but yg close2 tu tau, sampai malam pun depa boleh dtg. datang runcit2 they said..

    kak lady: tq, tq.. sama la sini. baru2 ni ada earthquake pulak further north, jam pulak le network lagi..

    luj: syukran.. sekali sekala ok la ber-gathering2 ni. seronok potpet2 mak2 & anak2.. kot2 selalu, lembik la badan kak..

    mamasarah: as i mentioned earlier, my guests're invited 3-6pm( sampai malam pun ada), and i prepared the food much earlier (esp frozen food, cuma bake/fry je later). jadi takde la serabut kepala. he he.. i punya menu, mak & anak semua boleh makan. pastu semua yg senang2. no complicated preparations (ingredients & methods). masuk semua in mixer, blend or beat, steam or bake.. ha ha.. utk daku yg pemalas. frens here also tolong, they're more excited than me..


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