Monday, December 11, 2006


BEN THANH MARKET yang amat tersohor di Ho Chi Minh City.

Dalam kenangan, Ben Thanh yang dulu..

Kami memang ada beli cabin size bag ni, mostly branded tapi reject. Our Samsonite tahan 10 tahun. 


  1. geram tengok bungaaaaaaa

  2. simah: hubby i ni beli i beli bunga, dia kata nak buat macam kedai bunga.. tapi kan we all memang gila la.. dah la macam2 jenis, pastu tahan lama pulak, normally more than 1 week. depa ni very creative. murah2 pulak tu. kalau boleh makan & then jadi lawa macam bunga tu kan bagus.. sbb murah tu.. kih kih..

  3. betul tu simah the flowers look so fresh.....

  4. kak elle: yang tu memang fresh betul. yang fake pun look soooo real. kalau ikut hati memang nak ambik semua shots at this market. there's one day i've been approached by a security guard, dia tak kasi ambik gambar banyak sangat, takut kita reporter luar buat cite buruk.. alaa ni kan negara kom***s. nasib pandai berbahasa Vietnam skit2..

  5. mulan, are you working for the vietnam tourist board? hehe, if not they shd hire you!

  6. Mulannnnnnnnnnnn
    Tak tahan tgk, mcm nak pergi jam nih jugakkkkkk..Small pourch sama mcm saya punya masa wedding. Berapa
    mereka harga jual disana eik.? Awak jgn balik dulu tau, tunggu saya nak datang..cehwahhhhh

    Mereka tak marah ker awak ambil pic2 kedai mereka nih?

  7. mulan the more I view the photos the more I nak pergi......wait I'm comingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  8. kak teh: i took those shots from my frens' shops. yg lain2 tu eksen macam kita ni tourist je la. memang tak boleh sangat, tapi untuk tatapan kakak2 & rakan2 tersayang ni, buat seposen je la. konon tunjuk camera baru. suka je depa ni. depa nak hire outsider?? hish..kedekut masin depa ni..

    ajzie: cepat datang. awak pun jangan balik lagi. tolong escort/guide kami nak tour europe nanti. pouch tu banyak harga sbb material lain2. ada cotton, linen, organza etc...

    p/s: mau tak kena marah, saya kata la nak hantar gambar kat kawan, suruh beli sbb cantik..pastu cakap vietnam sikit2, depa ok je la.

    kak elle: could hardly wait for u to come!! hhmm...kalau tak kena repair rumah, i might be around december ni.. sorry kak elle..

  9. takpe takpe afterall december I tak bolih amek staff.You balik malaysia ni ada kat mana kuantan or kl?

  10. kak elle: kl, kuantan, taiping and dot dot dot. as always, swap our kembara with my uncle's CRV. that'll be our mobile home aka campervan. if in nz, can rent one right.

  11. ok I will be in KL 23 till 25th december staying at Zon in the Park

  12. ni kira kalu hangpa kebuluran..boleh makan bunga la nih? jelous la bunga murah kat sana..kat sini tarak satu benda pon murah... huwaaaaaaaaaa nak bungaaaaa

  13. aduhai..kenapa nusantara sini soma creative eh? what happen to us

  14. kak elle: if i'm in kl, i'll drop by & meet u ok..

    simah: belum kebuloran lg but i heard some ppl eat flowers for medical purposes. kalau dah takde makanan lain dlm donia ni, mmg sental la bunga2 tu.

    lollies: takde masa datang sini ke? i ni keras tangan but ada jugak yg i belajar sikit2. i lupa snap some pics where they arrange cashew nuts & dried shrimps in a container untuk dijual tau. fuhh.. sabo gila depa ni. i'll show u nx time..

  15. Hi Mulan. I noticed that you dropped by my blog a few entries ago but I was too busy at that time and couldn't visit this blog of yours. Nice blog!

    I love the flowers.. :) I visited Vietnam 4 years ago on a business trip. I like shopping there. :)

  16. sherin: tq & hi to u too. haa, u should plan another visit here. hhmm.. being lady of the house, i'm as busy as a bee too!!! fuh.. dunno if i could finish my shopping (for others la, kirim, kirim & kirim) before i fly to kl on 18 dec ni.. pprrgghh..

  17. you're going back to msia on the 18th? dah habis shopping belum? make sure you go back to vietnam.

    ramai dah gang mau pergi. kak elle, azie etc... find me a cheap chalet ok? because i want to go toooooo!

  18. :) mulan....u r so goood at alluring our friends to ho chin minh city....adess....i want to go there tooooooooooo.

    eh bila u balek ni>?

    dah ada tempat tinggal ka?

    tak nak consider renting my condo tu ka? hehehe

    welcome back!


  19. mama sarah: mari, mari... awat chalet lak, pondok i ada.. kita camping la ramai2 takpe.

    bro id: welcome.. welcome..

    m going back on 18 dec. with kids je. straight to kuantan. byk pulak keje ni. gotta look for someone to repair my house etc.. huwaaaa.. thot i could spend time in kl.. can stay at yr lovely condo. but i'll get things fixed asap & can cabut to kl, tunggu robocop balik..

  20. jom kita meet kat KL on 24/12 . Maklang nak gi KL 19-25th.

  21. alahai maklang.. time tu la mulan ada kat kontan. pas tu pi taiping. hp lak belum register ni!!


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